Creating custom components for the system

This example will show the creation of a trigger to activate the quest

Create a new class

You can create whatever you want, but in this example it will be QuestTrigger.cs

Quest info

Add a variable where we will store information about the quest that will call this component

    [SerializeField] private QuestsNames questName; //Set the required quest from inspector


Since this is a trigger, we add the standard unity method

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            gameObject.SetActive(false); //self-disabling


Parameters for defining the trigger type

    private enum TriggerType { Accept, Update, Complete }
    [SerializeField] private TriggerType triggerType;

Quest action

We check for the type of trigger and select the desired action with the quest

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            //Perform the desired action depending on the selected type
            switch (triggerType)
                case TriggerType.Accept:
                case TriggerType.Update:
                case TriggerType.Complete:
                    QuestsManager.Instance.RemoveQuest(questName, true);

            gameObject.SetActive(false); //self-disabling