Project structure

Description of project structure

Project folders

  • Animation - Animations used in the asset
  • Fonts - Fonts for text
  • Images - Sprites, icons
  • Materials - Scene materials
  • Prefabs - Prefabs of objects on the stage
  • Scenes - Game scene
  • Scripts - All project logic
  • TextMesh Pro - Resources for using TextMeshPro
  • Tilemap - Level Tiles
  • Volume - Post processing configs


  • Main Camera - main camera on scene
  • [Level] - here everything is related to the level, TileMap, Background
  • [UI] - here are all the objects responsible for the UI
  • [Managers]/Managers - The object containing Game/UI/Mobile controllers/li>
  • [Managers]/EventSystem - Standard object for the UI part to work
  • Volume - Level post processing