Welcome to 2D Platformer Ninja vs Zombies Game Template

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What is 2D Platformer Ninja vs Zombies Game Template?

This is a ready-made template for a game in the Platform genre. It can be used on any platform.

The Asset also uses the new Unity input system.

Main feature:
  • Available for all platforms: PC(Windows, Mac, Linux), Mobile(Android, IOS)
  • Flexible and commented code
  • New input system
  • Prefab variation in enemies
  • Easy setup
  • Damage and stamina system
  • Pick up items by Trigger (HP and Stamina replenishment)
  • The platforms are made in Tilemap


After purchasing the asset, go to your project (Version unity in asset 2021.3.7f1)

  1. Open your project
  2. Go to Window->Package manager
  3. Select in Packages: My assets
  4. Find 2D Platformer Ninja vs Zombies Game Template in the list
  5. Download
  6. Import

If a dialog box displays requiring you to install a new input system for this project, accept it. Unity will restart and if the import of the Asset will not continue, then import again as described before.